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Voges Proskauer Test

1 min read


The Voges Proskauer test detects acetoin production from glucose metabolism, allowing differentiation between bacterial genera and species. Acetoin is converted to diacetyl, which reacts with added reagents to produce a red coloration. A positive VP test aids identification of bacteria in the Enterobacteriaceae family and differentiation of pathogenic strains.

Test Catageory
فئة التحليل


Refrence Books
كتب مراجع

1. Bailey & Scott’s Diagnostic Microbiology
2. Laboratory Manual and Workbook in Microbiology

Skills Required
المهارات المطلوبة

1. Broth inoculation
2. Reagent addition and shaking
3. Color interpretation

Video Resources
مصادر فيديو

Resource 1
Resourse 2


Glucose phosphate broth promotes acetyl-methyl-carbinol (acetoin) production from pyruvic acid during glucose breakdown. Diacetyl formed from acetoin causes a red color with added VP reagents.

Solutions & Equipments

1. Glucose phosphate broth
2. Bacterial isolate
3. VP reagents (creatinine/NaOH)
4. Culture tubes, racks

Sample Type

Pure bacterial isolate suspensions from cultures grown in glucose phosphate broth.


1. Inoculate glucose phosphate broth; incubate up to 48 hours
2. Add VP reagents down sides of two tubes
3. Shake tubes gently and let sit 1 hour
4. Observe for distinct red coloration


No color change – negative
Red color – positive

Determine acetoin production capability
Use to identify Enterobacteriaceae based on VP pattern


Test known VP positive/negative strains
Ensure optimal incubation periods
Properly layer added VP reagents

Quick Notice

M. Sulieman

Test known VP positive/negative strains
Ensure optimal incubation periods
Properly layer added VP reagents

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