Test Catageory
فئة التحليل
Refrence Books
كتب مراجع
1. Bailey & Scott’s Diagnostic Microbiology
2. Laboratory Manual and Workbook in Microbiology
Skills Required
المهارات المطلوبة
1. Colony selection
2. Application technique
3. Color change interpretation
Video Resources
مصادر فيديو
The oxidase reagent contains an electron donor substrate that gets oxidized when reacting with cytochrome c oxidase, reducing the tetrazolium dye and causing a violet colored product in positive organisms.
Solutions & Equipments
1. Bacterial culture plates
2. Oxidase reagent
3. Applicator stick
Sample Type
Small portion of isolated bacterial colony growth from agar plate cultures.
1. Collect small portion growth from colony
2. Rub or smear bacterial sample onto oxidase strip/disc
3. Observe for development of dark purple to blue color within 10-30 seconds
No color change – negative
Purple color – positive
Positive result indicates cytochrome c oxidase presence. Can facilitate rapid organism identification through combined biochemical patterns.
1. Check reactions using validated positive/negative strains
2. Use fresh bacterial cultures
3. Ensure adequate contact with reagent
M. Sulieman
The acid fast bacilli (AFB) stain is a differential stain used to detect Mycobacterium species, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis.