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Catalase Test

1 min read


The catalase test detects the enzyme catalase produced by bacteria to neutralize toxic hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to water and oxygen. It differentiates catalase-positive organisms which produce bubbles of O2 gas from catalase-negative organisms. Catalase production aids identification of staphylococci, streptococci, andGram negative enteric bacilli among other organisms.

Test Catageory
فئة التحليل


Refrence Books
كتب مراجع

1. Bailey & Scott’s Diagnostic Microbiology
2. Laboratory Manual and Workbook in Microbiology

Skills Required
المهارات المطلوبة

1. Colony selection
2. Slide preparation
3. Bubble production assessment

Video Resources
مصادر فيديو

Resource 1
Resourse 2


Addition of hydrogen peroxide to the bacterial sample results in rapid release of oxygen bubbles in presence of catalase enzyme. No reaction occurs in absence of catalase.

Solutions & Equipments

1. Bacterial culture plates
2. 3% hydrogen peroxide
3. Glass slides

Sample Type

Small portion of isolated bacterial colony growth from agar plate cultures.


1. Collect small portion growth from colony with loop
2. Place on glass slide
3. Add 1-2 drops hydrogen peroxide
4. Observe slide for effervescence


Bubbles—Positive result
No bubbles—Negative result
Interpretation Presence of catalase enzyme is indicated by positive test. Use along with other reactions in species characterization.


1. Use positive and negative control slides for each new batch of stains to ensure proper staining quality and procedure.
2. Do not over-decolorize, as this can lead to false negative results.
3. Check for appropriate microscope brightness and immersion oil quality.
4. Take precautions when handling potential mycobacterial cultures.

Quick Notice

M. Sulieman

The acid fast bacilli (AFB) stain is a differential stain used to detect Mycobacterium species, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

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