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Malaria Blood film Test


The malaria microscopic test involves microscopic examination of stained blood films to detect presence of malaria parasites and identify the species. It allows visualization of parasite developmental stages including ring trophozoites and gametocytes within RBCs. Differential identification of Plasmodium falciparum vs non-falciparum species is important as P.falciparum causes more severe illness.

Test Catageory
فئة التحليل


Refrence Books
كتب مراجع

1. Monica for Medical Laboratory

Skills Required
المهارات المطلوبة

1. Blood collection
2. Slide preparation
3. Staining technique
4. Microscopic examination for parasites
5. Species identification

Video Resources
مصادر فيديو

Resource 1
Resource 2


The malaria microscopic test involves microscopic examination of stained blood films to detect presence of malaria parasites and identify the species. It allows visualization of parasite developmental stages including ring trophozoites and gametocytes within RBCs. Differential identification of Plasmodium falciparum vs non-falciparum species is important as P.falciparum causes more severe illness.


Glass slides
Methanol fixative
Giemsa working solution

Sample Type

Whole blood- Fingerprick Capilary blood is preferred


1. Prepare thin and thick peripheral blood films on slides
2. Fix thin film in methanol
3. Stain both with 10% Giemsa working solution
4. Examine under 100x oil immersion
5. Report parasitemia quantitation and species


Detection of parasites supports malaria diagnosis. Identification of species guides clinical disease management as per severity.

Result Interpretation
A. Parasite Detection and Quantification
Examine 100 high power fields before declaring negative
Determine absolute parasitemia by counting infected RBCs out of total RBCs per defined volume
B. Stage Identification
Ring stages: Signet ring shaped early trophozoites
Gametocytes: Banana-shaped sexual erythrocytic forms
Schizonts: Mature segmented trophozoites ready to rupture
C. Species Identification
P. falciparum

Only human malaria species that produces gametocytes in peripheral blood
– Banana/crescent/round gametocytes present
– Multiple infection of RBCs with ring trophozoites common
– Maurer’s clefts visible in infected RBC cytoplasm
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P. vivax
– Enlarged RBCs (schuffner’s dots) commonly seen
– Amoeboid trophozoites
– Gametocytes round with dense pigment
– Single infection of host RBCs
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P. ovaleE
– Enlarged, fimbriated red cells
– Rare, mature trophozoites enlarged 2-3X, compact
– Gametocytes oval or elongated oval
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P. malariae
Band trophozoites in infected RBCs
– Infected RBCs normal in size and shape
– Gametocytes round with diffuse coarse pigment
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P. knowlesi
– Resembles P. falciparum ring stages
– Multiple infection of RBCs common
– Distinct “band-form” schizonts with peripheral chromatin
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1. Check positive and negative control slides for staining quality
2. Validate reported parasite counts with multiple readings
3. Ensure microscope calibration and immersion oil quality

Quick Notice

M. Sulieman


P. knowlesi
– Resembles P. falciparum ring stages
– Multiple infection of RBCs common
– Distinct “band-form” schizonts with peripheral chromatin

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